Saturday, November 25, 2006

the maggie bit

I sat on a rock drinking the powdered milk frapuccino thing that nicholas made. latino was standing over me and I could see for the first time that he was a she, I didn’t like getting close to latinos feet. she just stood there looking at me, I was drinking the coffee, and I had commando pinned to the ground with my free hand, I was already covered in pulga bites. I looked down at commando, he was a dirty brindle his ribs poked through, but even if he had been well fed, he was a strange looking mut, I liked him. His previous owner had shaped his ears so they where very short and round ontop, Nicholas said for hog hunting. I started practicing my Spanish making names for him. “ratta flaca, commando ratta flacka. Senior ratton. Nicholas was laughing handing out frapuccinos on the marshy grass that surrounds the hills that lead down from the small bridges. Maybe he was laughing cause I was mixing feminine and masculine nound and pronouns, Spanish people find this endlessly funny, it would be like laughing at someone who said “these house is nice” Nicholas had a way of making you feel special. He seemed to have everything going for him, in a way I never did. He had a good body, he was an officer, his father was a high ranking officer in the military, he had good sunglasses, cruised punte del este in the summer, played guitar, sang songs with that deep beautiful sincere voice. He would have a good life, what a lucky fucking dog, getting adopted by him.

Latino stood there that black massive jumper, with the thouroughbred legs like a black man sweating in the fields, beautiful and full of rage, her lip was pulled in against the bit, her nose was flat, aerodynamicly positioned like a submarine porthole on top of her long head. I could see the disdain she had, for me and commando. In her eyes we where one and the same. It occurred to me right then that she was an indisputable Maggie from cat on a hot tin roof, if she where in la, shed be a shoe in for the role in any community theatre production. Community theatre productions suck, theres no real tenessee in them, no humilliation no desperation, its all just sets and jokes without the struggle. come to think of it commando was a tenessee character too, but latino was a Maggie, me and commando where just a couple of no neck children, a flash in the pan. We where the flavor of the minute, basking in the glory of nicholass attention, how many polo games could Nicholas take commando to and have it still be novelty. I got all this looking into latinos eyes, but when I looked into Nicholas you forgot all that and it seemed that anything was possible. Guys like that are crazy dangerous, real heartbreakers, cause you never see it coming.


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